Dove and Nike launch ‘Body Confident Sport’ program

Dove and Nike launch ‘Body Confident Sport’ program


Dove partners with Venus Williams and young athletes to celebrate the launch of Body Confident Sport. – Dove

New research from the partnership reveals that 45% of teenage girls worldwide drop out of sports, a rate twice as high as their male counterparts. Low body confidence stands out as the primary driver behind this startling statistic.

In response to this challenge, the Body Confident Sport online coaching program was designed as a first-of-its-kind, scientifically-proven set of coaching tools to build body confidence in 11–17-year-old girls.

The program includes input from girls and coaches from 6 countries, including France, India, Japan, Mexico, the U.K., and the U.S, and the curriculum includes tools that were scientifically proven in clinical trials with more than 1,200 girls and are proven to improve girl’s self-esteem and body confidence.

It will be delivered through a global network of organizations in schools and sports clubs and aims to reach more than one million young people around the world. 

“Sports have the potential to make girls feel confident and strong, yet for so many, the judgment and criticism they face within the sports environment is damaging their confidence and limiting their self-belief,” said Alessandro Manfredi, chief marketing officer at Dove.

“We are proud to team up with a like-minded brand like Nike to take action towards a more equitable future for girls – on and off the field.”

The partnership between these two brands has been two years in the making and involved collaboration with experts, including the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) and the Tucker

Vanessa Garcia

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